
Shirts and Certificates

On 1st July 2015
Shirts and Certificates

Our work shirts have arrived today. We ordered some in blue and some in pink, with our logo embroidered on the cuff and breast pocket.  They look very smart and professional.

The firearms officer has been this lunchtime and delivered our RFD certificate. This is an extremely important bit of paper, as without it we aren’t allowed to buy or sell guns.  We haven’t even been able to order guns from suppliers as they all require proof that we have an RFD before accepting our order.  This now means that we can really get going stocking the shop.  Phew!

In the afternoon we met with a clothing supplier. He supplies very nice quality tweeds; jacket, vest and breeks, that sort of thing. We have ordered rather a lot from him, and there are a few more things that I have got my eye on!

In the building today they were fitting a one way mirror to the window between my office and the shop floor, the only problem is that it does not seem to be one way!  We could see through both sides, and the film over the top of the glass had rather a lot of bubbles in it.

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